see here the PROGRAMME BOOK and the CONFERENCE SCHEDULE of the Conference
Transformation, personal knowledge and agency through dialogues in movement and music
Karin Greenhead
Creative music education as a sustainable craft
Magne Espeland
Developing higher music education students’ creativity
Oscar Odena
Scores: working, re-working, interpreting, re-interpreting
Julia Abs
Scaffolding group creativity in music education: focus on relations
Olympia Agalianou
Online teaching and learning: a framework for stimulating the quality of kinesthetic experiences in music and dance education
Franziska Boehm, Christa Coogan
Creative interactions in psychiatric singing lessons
Teresa Boning
Creative teacher-student interaction in piano lessons with preschool children
Yanfang Chen
Enhancing the creativity of children: notion of creativity in Czechia
Jiřina Jiřičková
The impact of social skills on group creativity
Anna Maria Kalcher
Teaching for group creativity by music teachers in Victorian schools: a creative process perspective
Fiona King
Sequelae of the COVID-19 era call for creative interaction: the model of sound scene improvisation
Wolfgang Mastnak
“Violin-rules”: learning to develop creative interaction in beginner violin-group players
Annamaria Minafra
About the role of improvisation in instrumental training: a historical and critical perspective
Anna Müller
Creative interactions in polyaesthetic video processes: a project with students of the Tokyo Gakugei University
Masayuki Nakaji
PLAY SPACE MUSIC: an improvisation project between musicians and dancers with and without additional support needs
Susanne Rebholz, Shirley Salmon
Tradition + creativity: undergraduate students use classical music as a source of ideas for collaborative improvisation and composition
Andrea Sangiorgio
Creativity, embodiment and neuroscience: achieving creativity through pedagogy grounded in neuroscience
Robyn Staveley
Group composing and improvising in the music classroom: a comparative analysis based on reconstructing practice
Elisabeth Theisohn, Johannes Treß, Thade Buchborn
Next door is everywhere: cycles of cultural work at the Lab Inter Arts Salzburg
Helmi Vent
Invisible creative interactions: spiritual and empathetic flow in vocal group meditation
Jingyi Yang
Round table
Creative interactions in cultural traditions: a Euro-Asian perspective on elemental music & dance education
Wolfgang Mastnak (host), Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona, Sezen Özeke, Alla Toropova, Danhong Yu
Why music education needs imagination
Werner Beidinger
Giving and receiving feedback: a collaborative dialogue
Christa Coogan, Claudia Schmidtpeter
Improvisation for all ages
Doug Goodkin
Music in heterogeneous groups: inclusive and multifaceted
Veronika Kinsky, Eva Königer, Ines Pilz
An unusual visit to a museum: music – movement – interaction
Renate Kühnel
Creative collaboration
Soili Perkiö, Elisa Seppänen
Performance 26th May, 7.30 pm
“Moving within Earshot: A repertory evening of short improvisations and compositions”
see the programme of the evening HERE
Latest news
May 7, 2023
Book Creative Interactions 2023 published!
Sangiorgio, A. (Ed.). (2023). Creative interactions. Creative learning, creative teaching, and teaching for group creativity in music education. Open Access Book. University of Music and Theatre Munich. URN:
Jan 12, 2022
Call for papers open until March, 7
Until March 7 you have the possibility to submit a paper/workshop proposal.
Jan 12, 2022
Early bird registration open!
It is now possible to activate your account for the registration to the Conference.
See the relevant info under the menu Registration.