Call for Papers, Workshops and Posters
We welcome different kinds of contributions related to the theme of the conference: you may submit a proposal for a research paper, a practice paper, a round table, a workshop or a poster. Below you can find the relevant information.
Criteria for submission
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted with an indication of the mode of presentation (research paper / practice paper / round table / workshop / poster presentation).
Abstracts should be sent as Word compatible documents (see template below). Please do not send pdf files.
Paper presentations should be 30 minutes in length, to be followed by up to 10 minutes chaired discussion time.
Practical workshops linking educational practice with theory and research are especially welcome (85 min. including reflections and questions)
If you are interested in organising a round table (at least three presenters, 85 minutes), please contact the conference organising committee before submitting an abstract.
Posters report on educational research (also in progress), discuss pedagogical and methodological issues, or illustrate practical ideas or projects related to the conference theme. There is time specifically allocated for all conference participants to view the posters and talk with the presenters.
Language: the conference is mainly in English. Contributions in German language are possible.
Criteria for acceptance
For research papers: original, well conducted and reported research regarding the conference theme, relevant to an international audience in the field of expanded music education.
For practice papers and workshops: innovative ideas and exemplary cases (best practices) of group musical creativity with children, adolescents, adults, higher education students, professional musicians or other target groups.
Please, submit your abstract using this template (Word file), save the document using the name of the lead presenter and submit by March 7, 2022 (or earlier) to
Contributions can be submitted prior to registration and payment, but the registration process is complete only after receiving the payment.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed. Acceptance of the contributions will be notified by March 18, 2022.
We look forward to your abstract submission as well as to answering any questions you may have:
Latest news
Book Creative Interactions 2023 published!
Sangiorgio, A. (Ed.). (2023). Creative interactions. Creative learning, creative teaching, and teaching for group creativity in music education. Open Access Book. University of Music and Theatre Munich. URN:
Call for papers open until March, 7
Until March 7 you have the possibility to submit a paper/workshop proposal.
Early bird registration open!
It is now possible to activate your account for the registration to the Conference.
See the relevant info under the menu Registration.